Connecting Cultures: India

Connecting Cultures: India

Connecting Cultures through Expressive Arts
India (Chennai, Agra, Delhi)
June 2 - July 15, 2020

The George Washington University Art Therapy Program has been involved in international cross-cultural community service learning since 2008. Our students have had this opportunity to study and explore social and cultural diversity, connecting collaboratively in India, South Africa, France, United Arab Emirates, and Croatia. To celebrate GW Art Therapy’s 50th Anniversary and after numerous requests, we have created a trip specifically for professionals who want to connect across cultures, learn from each other, and work in the community.

$2,500 (double accommodation)
$3,000 (single accommodation)

Deposit $750 (due within 10 days of acceptance email)
April 1 - Installment #1: $1,000 (double); $1,125 (single)
May 1 - Installment #2: $750 (double); $1,125 (single)

Please select Add to Cart for payment options

