2019 Epilepsy Board Review & Best Practices Course

2019 Epilepsy Board Review & Best Practices Course

The George Washington University
Jack Morton Auditorium
Media and Public Affairs Building
805 21st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20052

July 18 - July 20, 2019
7:30 am - 5:30 pm

The 2019 course will provide a comprehensive review of the ABPN exam Content Blueprint, thus preparing the attendees for all areas in epilepsy and EEG that will be tested. The course will be taught by experts from the DC area as well as national authorities in the field who will cover a range of topics including:

Classification of epilepsy and seizures
Genetics of epilepsy
EEG in epilepsy and encephalopathy
Brain imaging in epilepsy
Antiepileptic medications
Indications and outcome of epilepsy surgery
Intracranial EEG and brain mapping
Psychosocial aspects of epilepsy

New this year, we will be offering our attendees the ability to actively participate in the lectures with audience response questions. Attendees will be able to use their smartphones, laptops, or text messaging to participate in the live polls included in each lecture, and instantaneously compare their results with the rest of the attending audience.

In addition to the educational sessions, the program will feature numerous opportunities to dialogue with the experts and several scheduled breaks for informal exchange. There will also be case presentation sessions and a session on the art of taking multiple-choice examinations.

Prices range from $475.00 to $750.00 (price depends on options selected)