The items in this category were taken from real-life examples of payment situations at the University of Washington.
Really Cool Examples
Options for three of our beached bird field guides are available: Beached Bird Field Guide, Beached Bird Field Guide to North Atlantic, Beached Bird Field Guide to Alaska
This is a general validation of a previous student's attendance of a particular program.
$50.00 - $150.00 (depends on options selected)
Register for Math Camp with the Center for Statistics and the Social Science this year!
In order to pay online, you will need the citation reference number and the vehicle license plate number. If you do not know your citation reference number, email your name and vehicle license plate number(s) to to request an invoice. An invoice will be emailed to you within two business days. After receiving your invoice, you will then be able to pay your citations here.
$0.00 - $329.11 (depends on options selected)
Pay Merchant Services Invoice
The Office of Undergraduate Education (OUE) offers the following assessments: Math Placement Test: $25.00 Spanish Placement and Proficiency Test: $25.00 Makeup Testing - Other UW Campus: $5.00 Makeup Testing - UW Online/Correspondence: $20.00 Makeup Testing - Non UW institution: $40.00 Select your assessment from the drop down below.
$5.00 - $40.00 (depends on options selected)
One box of vegetables each week from the second week of June and will continue every Wednesday through the third week of September.
Mascot Factory UW Husky Chublet Plush with Sweater